November 24, 2019

New version of PASS/Nozzle-FEM 3.0 is released

By Alex Matveev
PASS/Nozzle-FEM version 3.0 is released.

The new version of PASS/Nozzle-FEM contains a number of enchantments and new features.

Software graphical interface has been significantly updated, and has become more user friendly.

Made preparations for integration with PASS/START-PROF pipe stress analysis software

In 3.0 release of PASS/Equip Nozzle-FEM, the following new features are available for users:

  • Capability to change the orientation of all shell types;
  • Capability to insert a nozzle on the conical reducers and heads;
  • Capability to calculate a shell without a nozzle;
  • Capability to set several load cases in a specific project;
  • Vector type of nozzle placement setting is implemented;
  • New system coordinates (pipe CS) that allows to set shell and nozzle concentrated loads.

The following calculations have been fixed and updated in the latest release:

  • Calculations as per WRC 537;
  • Calculations as per Russian GOST 34233.2,3-2017.